New Descript Storyboard course!
This is what I've been buried under for the last couple of months: A complete Descript Storyboard course. If you haven't used Descript before, congratulations! You can start fresh on the new version. No need to shed that baggage or torture your muscle memory!
But if you have used the old version and got used to it, I know it's painful to move from Classic to Storyboard. In my course, I have a free session that covers all the differences between Descript Classic and Descript Storyboard, where everything has moved, what's been renamed and how.
January - we all want to start something new. If you've been considering Descript, why not dive deep into it?
When it officially launches, the course will have close to 10 hours of content, with many sessions broken down into small chunks, easy to digest, easy to pick and choose what you want to learn -- buffet-style!
And there's a community to go with it, where I'll be hanging out, answering questions, doing live sessions and creating new sessions in response to your questions and requests.
And because Descript is still a work-in-progress, there are changes coming every week. I'll do my best to keep up with those and add new course updates as things change.
What do you say? Want to learn with me? I've used Descript for a long time and I have trained more than 50 clients on how to use it. I know the ins and outs and I think you'll find the course sessions super-friendly, slow-paced and detailed, filled with tips, tricks, techniques, pitfalls, advice and more.
Get the Descript Course